When Should Your Child’s First Dental Visit Happen?

As a parent, you want your child to enjoy a lifetime of oral health. That starts with their first dental visit. New parents often assume that their youngster doesn’t need to see a dentist for the first time until either something goes wrong, or until they have all their baby teeth. However, this is a mistake that could lead to potential problems later on.

When Should Your Child’s First Dental Visit Happen?

For the record, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), your child should have their first dental visit by the age of one-year-old, or within six months after their first tooth shows up, whichever comes first. This is a rule of thumb to follow, unless, of course, some unforeseen dental problem presents itself before then. In that case, you should immediately call your family dentist in Lyndhurst, OH for your child’s first dentist visit.

Prevention, Education and Familiarity

The first dentist visit for your child is especially important because it presents opportunities for prevention, education and familiarity. The dentist has a chance to assess the health and development of your child’s teeth and gums, and to detect if any potential problems exist. This is also the time when new parents can be educated about how best to care for their child’s teeth at home, including limiting sugary foods and drinks, and the dangers of bottle feeding and pacifier use after a certain age. Finally, this is the time when the child starts to build a sense of familiarity with visiting the dentist. This could help to prevent the development of dental anxiety in the future.

Establishing a Dentist Relationship

When you visit Lyndhurst Family Dental with your child for the first time, you establish a dental relationship that can last for decades. As you continue to visit, your family dentist can monitor the growth and development of your child’s teeth and jaw. Identifying issues such as misaligned teeth or jaw problems early on can lead to more effective and less invasive treatments down the line.

Just as you would visit your child’s pediatrician on a regular basis, you should prioritize your child’s oral health by visiting their family dentist in Lyndhurst, OH as recommended by the AAPD. Contact us today to book your child’s first appointment!