Why Are My Gums Receding?

Your gums play an important role in your oral health and hygiene. Unfortunately, gums can be delicate and are vulnerable to damage throughout your lifetime. As you age, you may notice your gums receding.

Many things can cause gums to recede, including gum disease, injury, and age. Your dentist in Lyndhurst, OH can help. While gum recession is a common problem, there are many things you can do to help control it and protect your teeth. This is what you need to know.


Why Are My Gums Receding?

Gums recede for many reasons. Some examples of why gums recede include:

  • Smoking. Smoking can damage your oral health and put your gums at risk of recession.
  • Bruxism. If you grind your teeth at night, your gums may sustain damage that causes recession.
  • Gum disease and poor oral health. Gum disease is a common cause of gum recession, and if left untreated, can lead to severe gum recession and bone loss.
  • Hard bristles and hard brushing. You don’t need to brush your teeth hard, nor do you need hard bristles on your toothbrush. Either of these can wear on your gums and may cause recession over time.
  • Genetics. Some people naturally experience gum recession more and faster than others.

Why Are Gums Important?

Your gums help keep your teeth in place. When your gums recede, this can lead to loss of jaw bone, which in turn can lead your teeth to become loose and fall out.


What Can I Do About Gum Recession?

Once your gums have receded, they can’t grow back. Your dentist may be able to treat severe gum recession with a gum graft. In addition, if your gums have receded, it’s important to slow the recession as much as possible. Work with your dentist to determine why your gums are receding and address the issue together.


Can Gum Recession Be Prevented?

Your dentist can help you avoid gum recession through good dental care. The best way to avoid problems and maintain good oral health is to see your dentist for regular dental exams and cleanings in Lyndhurst, OH. Call Lyndhurst Family Dental today to make an appointment.

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